Short version: I am offering private home concerts for up to 20 people.

A private concert in your home, office, temple, farm, cave, school, yoga studio, gym, etc to Play music for your personal inner transformation and enjoyment.

An offer for Inner Listeners in interesting times

Dear Inner Listeners,

Today I am writing to announce a new offering. It's a little bit different than before. There is no new album today, no new single, no big “news” to share. There is, however, truly new music and potentially a novel container for it. There's also an opportunity for you to be involved. Interested? Read on. If you want to skip the poetics and jump right to the point scroll down to the "Offer" section.

It goes without saying that we've been through an unprecedented and very strange time in the last few years. I don't think I've spoken with anyone who hasn't been challenged by these times in some way. The landscape of our public lives has changed, relationships have changed, our ability to hear and listen has changed, for many of us the very way we relate to the world has changed. Profoundly. Irrevocably. In a recent conversation with an old friend overseas we discussed how music is needed now more than ever. But this raises some big questions: What kind of music? Music for what purpose? Where shall it be played, if anywhere at all? What is the context? Is it meant as entertainment or is it art? Is there a difference? Why bother?

Thinkers such as Carl Jung spoke about the link between dream and myth. I remember one literary passage that had a great effect on me many years ago: “A myth is a public dream, a dream is a private myth”. Inspired by this, I began a years long quest to link this idea with my personal musical artistic work.

In the 80s and 90s with the emergence of so-called “world music” and the nascent promise of electronic music we started to hear musicians such as Jon Hassell and Brian Eno talk about “possible musics” – hybrid and emergent musical offerings previously unheard and perhaps even hitherto impossible. A new generation of artist/thinkers observed how music had entered a quite new context, with recordings in many ways no longer being artistic artifacts in themselves but “the soundtrack of our lives”. This had its liberations and successes...and its shadow sides as well. What kind of shadow, you may ask? We are inundated with music - it is the wallpaper of our lives. As a result we have a lot of Outer Hearing and not a lot of Inner Listening. If music is the next best thing to silence then the shadow side of that is that constant, ubiquitous, hijacked music is the next worst thing to constant noise.

Back to us, then, The Inner Listeners: I am personally convinced of the need to “re-enchant the world”, as CG Jung and others have suggested. Iain McGilchrist, the author of “The Matter With Things”, has talked about the importance of authentic right brain experiences and singles out music as one of the best ways to facilitate the same. I am further convinced that an intentional inner listening is vital to help us to wake up, or at the very least to have more interesting and life-affirming dreams :-) We can't take our connection with transformative experiences for granted; one might also make the case that we can no longer just be passive “consumers” of music. The mere act of listening, really listening, is an act that creates change; a co-creation.

The Offer

Putting all of this together: I am offering private concerts (your own private mytho-musical experience) for small to medium size groups in the comfort of your private home or venue e.g. meeting space, church, yoga studio, gym, tent, cave, forest clearing, workshop, farm etc. The size of groups I am offering to serve is anywhere from 3 people to 20 people.

The music will be 100% improvised and generated in the very moment that you hear it. In this way the audience becomes an intimate part of the co-creative space as I “read the room” and aim to connect the inner experiences of the listeners “in the field”. The music will not be recorded, it will never be repeated, it will have a finite lifespan that is shared by us in this particular constellation just once.

Do you or someone you know have a home or space that might suit such an experience? If so, I'd like to hear from you and work together to create something special. With the right conditions in place travel is possible. There are also extra parameters that I have not discussed here which would bring even more ownership and creative energy into your hands, should you wish to have it.


Here are 2 examples of the sort of musical atmosphere on offer (but remember, this is all going to be improvised in the moment, so potentially what we co-create could be quite different):

Public Dream, Private Myth concert series: FAQ

I'm interested - what do I do next?

Please contact me or email tim [at] lascaux21[dot] com or text/call 1-604-873-9793

What exactly is being offered here?

  • a private musical concert in a venue to be determined by the artist or the host. This venue can be a private home or small venue (church, sacred space, yoga studio, gym, school room, cabin, etc). The focus is on creating a space that is familiar, comfortable, and private.
  • a musical experience in which the host and possibly the audience play some part in co-creating the experience.
  • A musical experience that supports inner listening and a deep dive into inner spaces. Think of the music as a scaffold or structure on which to hang a “private mythological experience”. You close your eyes and let the music takes you where it takes you.

Who is this for?

  • those who wish to have something approaching a psychedelic or apocalyptic experience by means other than the usual tools e.g. hallucinogenics etc
  • those who wish to have a private, intimate, meaningful musical experience in a setting more conducive to listening, attentiveness, and deep meaningful
  • listeners who love music, especially unpredictable improvised music, and would like to experience this in genres outside of the norm e.g. jazz, rock, etc
  • families or family groups
  • anywhere from 5 to 20 listeners
  • impresarios that would like to provide a venue for listeners to experience any of the above

I live in (?), can you travel?

Yes, this is possible. Currently I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I may be able to travel to other places to do a performance. The host (you or someone you know) can discuss travel arrangements and expenses with me. Whenever possible I would do my best to try to have other performances in the same area to maximise the efficiency of costs.

How much does it cost?

At this time I am proceeding purely by donation. You give what you can and what you feel is right. No amount will be considered too small nor will any amount be considered too large. For those who would like a guideline, a suggested donation is $360. This helps to cover costs like the rental of a PA system and travel.

How long is a “show”?

The length of a performance like this can vary depending on a number of factors. Having said that, generally speaking we can expect the music to last between 50 and 70 minutes. Shorter or longer times are possible and can be discussed beforehand. I need a minimum of 90 minutes before the official start time for set up – this includes a 1 hour set up time and a 30 minute quiet time before the music begins. Taking down the equipment takes about an hour as well.

How much room do you need?

About the footprint of a queen size bed is usually enough. In some cases even less is possible, but it's a good idea to send a photograph of the space beforehand. For those concerned with physical distancing please take this into account.

What about a PA system (speakers)?

For all shows within a local radius I will supply all the technical equipment required, including the PA system speakers. For all shows where travel is necessary the host is responsible for supplying a PA system to the artist's specifications. Please contact me for details.

Disclaimer: some of the answers to questions above may change as this entire series is a work in progress. We will update answers as often as we can but if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.